
And What about Katyana?

Posted on: August 29, 2012

It seems my blog posts or Facebook status updates are always about Ethan and Sydney. I truly do have a thirteen-year-old daughter named Katyana. She just isn’t as comfortable in front of the camera and is a quiet old soul. But I thought I would take a moment to brag about her.

Katyana loves facts. She spends a lot of time at Arbor Terrace Assisted Living with my Grandma (her 92-year-old great-Grandma) and the other “Grandmas” and “Grandpas” at the facility. She loves being there. She loves helping during BINGO and the Trivia Nights. She loves interacting with all the residents and staff.  She enjoys her devotional times with Grammy. The folks there love her and praise her for “knowing so much about everything!” Yes, that’s my Katyana. She loves random facts.

She also is a self-taught knitter. She blows me away with her ideas that she designs and then implements. This is her latest creation – Long John Silver for the director of the cast of “Treasure Island” at the Children’s Theatre of Knoxville.

Katyana’s own personal creation and design – Long John Silver (in the Treasure Island play, Long John Silver has a hook for hand instead of a peg leg).

Katyana outside the theatre with her knit doll, Long John Silver.

Katyana is continuing to  sing with the Sound Company Children’s Choir in Oak Ridge. It has been such a positive experience for her through the years.

She loves to read and her favorite book to date, is…

Les Miserables, Katyana’s favorite book!

At this point in her life, she either wants to go to college to become a nurse or to study Greek and live in Greece. Her dream is to visit Greece someday. She loves Greek history and literature.

I cannot believe in less than five months she will be 14-years-old. She hasn’t been handed an easy life but she is diligently pressing on. I cannot see wait where her life takes her.

And if you want to see her face light up, just tell her that you love her name, “Katyana.”

2 Responses to "And What about Katyana?"

She’s self-taught?! That is AWESOME! Great job Katyana!! I love that her favorite book is a literature classic. (And, I’ve always loved her name).

Yep. Self-taught. I can’t knit – tried and nearly got expelled… lol. And yes, she LOVES classical literature!

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August 2012

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